2nd Grade Math Topics

  • Topic 1: Understanding Addition and Subtraction

    -         Writing addition numbers sentences and story problems about joining.

    -         Writing subtraction number sentences and story problems about separating and comparing.



    Topic 2: Addition Strategies

    -         Adding 0,1,2

    -         Adding two-digit and three-digit numbers

    -         Making 10 to add 9

    -         Making 10 to add 8



    Topic 3: Subtraction Strategies

    -         Subtracting 0,1,2

    -         Thinking addition to subtract doubles

    -         Finding the missing part



    Topic 4: Place Value – Numbers to 100

    -         Models for tens and ones

    -         Reading and writing numbers

    -         Using models and symbols to compare numbers

    -         Understand and using the terms “before, after, and between”

    -         Number patterns on a number chart


    Topic 5: Counting Money

    -         Identify and count dimes, nickels, pennies

    -         Identify and count quarters and half-dollars

    -         Counting collections of coins

    -         Ways to show the same amount

    -         Identify and count dollars



    Topic 6: Mental Addition

    -         Adding tens and ones

    -         Adding on a hundred chart



    Topic 7: Mental Subtraction

    -         Subtracting tens

    -         Finding the missing parts of 100

    -         Subtracting on a hundred chart

    -         Adding on to subtract



    Topic 8: Adding Two-Digit Numbers

    -         Regrouping 10 ones for 1 ten

    -         Models to add two-digit and one-digit numbers

    -         Adding two-digit numbers

    -         Adding three-digit numbers



    Topic 9: Subtracting Two-Digit Numbers

    -         Regrouping 1 ten for 10 ones

    -         Models to subtract two and one-digit numbers

    -         Subtracting two and one-digit numbers

    -         Using addition to check subtraction



    Topic 10: Using Addition and Subtraction

    -         Adding and subtracting money

    -         Estimating sums and differences

    -         Different ways to add and subtract



    Topic 11: Geometry

    -         Relating plane shapes and solid figures

    -         Identifying flat surfaces, vertices and edges

    -         Making new shapes

    -         Cutting shapes apart

    -         Understanding and identifying congruent shapes

    -         Different ways to move a shape

    -         Symmetry



    Topic 12: Fractions

    -         Wholes and equal parts

    -         Estimating fractional parts of a whole

    -         Fractions of a set



    Topic 13: Measurement – Length and Area

    -         Exploring length

    -         Measuring length using nonstandard units

    -         Measuring inches, feet and yard

    -         Measuring Centimeters and meters

    -         Exploring perimeter and area



    Topic 14: Measurement – Capacity and Weight

    -         Exploring capacity

    -         Measuring capacity using nonstandard units

    -         Measuring cups, pints, quarts, liters

    -         Exploring weight

    -         Measuring ounces, pounds, grams and kilograms



    Topic 15: Time and Temperature

    -         Telling time to 5 minutes

    -         Telling time before and after the hour

    -         Estimating time

    -         Using a calendar

    -         Temperature: Fahrenheit and Celsius



    Topic 16: Graphs and Probability

    -         Organizing data

    -         Pictographs, bar graphs, coordinate graphs

    -         Understanding and using the terms “likely and unlikely”

    -         Understanding and using the terms “certain, probable, and impossible”



    Topic 17: Number and Patterns to 1,000

    -         Counting hundreds, tens, and ones

    -         Reading and writing numbers to 1,000

    -         Changing numbers by hundreds and tens

    -         Patterns with numbers on a hundred chart

    -         Comparing numbers

    -         Understanding and using the terms “before, after and between”



    Topic 18: Three-digit Addition and Subtraction

    -         Estimating sums

    -         Models for adding three-digit numbers

    -         Adding three-digit numbers

    -         Estimating differences

    -         Models for subtracting three-digit numbers

    -         Subtracting three-digit numbers



    Topic 19: Multiplication Concepts

    -         Repeating addition and multiplication

    -         Building arrays

    -         Writing multiplication stories

    -         Multiplying in any order