Monthly Check Register
In an effort to provide transparency to the community, Davison Community Schools is pleased to post the District's monthly check register online. The Board of Education approved the check register appearing in the link below at its most recent meeting.
The School District utilizes a single pooled checking account for all checks except those legally required to be kept separated. The pooled checking account is used for the district's General Fund, Athletic Fund, Davison Community Enrichment and Recreation Fund, Food Service Fund, DTV Fund and Student Activity Fund. The type of checks issued from each fund may vary, depending on the nature and purpose of the fund. The District's financial accounting system maintains a separate accounting for each fund that uses the pooled checking account.
Money held in the Activity Fund are custodial in nature. The School District maintains an accounting of these funds, however, these do not fund school district operations. The Activity Fund is used to record transactions of individual groups for school and school-related activities. As such, the nature and purpose of checks in this fund may be different from disbursements from the District's other funds. For example, a group may issue a check for the purchase of flowers for a funeral. Where this type of check is not allowed in the District's General Fund, it is allowed for Activity Funds because the money is generated by individuals or groups (donations, fundraising activities, etc.) and not by taxpayers. Because a pooled checking account is used, these types of checks are combined with checks from other funds in the check register.
Separate checking accounts are maintained for the District's Debt Retirement and Building and Site Sinking Funds.
Should you have any questions about the posted check register, please contact Leslie Young, Director of Business Services at 591-0803 or
To access the latest monthly check register, please click on the file below.