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Davison Educational Foundation

 DEF logoThe Davison Educational Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization. It's mission is to provide funding to enrich and expand the educational opportunities for Davison students.

DEF logo

DEF Logo 2The Davison Educational Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization. It's mission is to provide funding to enrich and expand the educational opportunities for Davison students.

Established in 1995 at no cost to the school district, the DEF provides scholarships for deserving graduating students, awards mini grants to teachers for unique classroom projects and financially supports special projects that enhance the positive reputation of Davison Community Schools.

The DEF is funded through endowments/gifts, employee payroll deductions and annual fundraisers.

For more information about the Davison Educational Foundation, please contact Davison Community Schools at 591-0852.