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Davison Community Schools participates in GCAPS (Genesee County Area Public Schools), a consortium of Genesee County public school districts and Lapeer Community Schools. With one application, you have the ability to apply to all member districts. To establish a pre-employment file, please complete the online application. If your qualifications meet our needs, we will contact you for further information and a possible interview. If you are called for an interview, please be prepared to bring the following: current resume, copy of all transcripts, credentials or three letters of recommendations (please do not send these to the district).

Internal Applicants

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Outside Applicants

Current Job Postings

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Contracted Through Genesee Education Consultant Services, Inc. (GECS)
(monitors, sub monitors, caregivers, sub caregivers, sub cooks, sub secretaries, sub custodian)

Michigan Educational Transportation Services
(bus drivers, bus monitors)

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