Board of Education
Updated Board of Education Goals
were approved in November 2023.
While the three goal areas—Instructional, Resources and School Climate—remained the same, the action steps and monitoring tools did not. The updated plan will align the district's goals with the Michigan Integrated Continuous Improvement Process, referred to as MICIP (sounds like my kip). MICIP is a targeted approach and pathway used by districts to improve student outcomes by assessing whole child needs to develop plans and coordinate funds.
Here are the changes in more detail:
Instructional Goal
New: Davison Community Schools will operate as a cohesive system to provide engaging curriculum, instruction, intervention and assessment to improve student achievement each year as measured by local assessments, state assessments and graduation rates.
Old: All students will achieve academic success through quality instruction and support.
The goal measures include:
- increase in growth and achievement for Grades K-8 assessment (benchmark and state)
- increase in proficiency year-to-year for high school state assessment
- graduation rate (4-year-cohort) of 90 percent
Resource Goal
New: Davison Community Schools will uphold the highest standards of operational reliability, financial integrity and transparency while simultaneously striving to maximize the district's resources to their fullest to guarantee the fiscal stability and long-term sustainability of our district.
Old: Davison Community Schools will maximize its resources.
The goal measures include:
- Fund equity in the General Fund will remain at or above 12 percent.
- Ensure a minimum annual completion rate of 70 percent for identified 10-year plan projects funded through site sinking fund revenue.
- Plan, implement, monitor and evaluate strategies to uphold the safety and security of schools.
- Sustain and maintain the District’s investment in technology.
- Continue maintenance, upkeep and replacement of transportation fleet.
- The District will be fully staffed.
School Climate Goal
New: Davison Community Schools will increase student engagement and positive behavior as a result of staff receiving sustained and ongoing support in the areas of social-emotional learning, student engagement and positive behavior training.
Old: Davison Community Schools will develop and maintain a cooperative, safe and respectful environment.
Goal measures will include:
- Decrease in student referrals
- Increase in District WSCC (Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child) survey results
- Increase in Whole Child Survey Indicators Survey
- Increase in District’s Tenets Survey
- Increase in student academic achievement
To view the latest presentation on the Board of Education Goals, please click on this link Board of Education Goals Presentation November 2023.
Board Meeting Information and Schedule
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