Transparency Reporting
Davison Community Schools
Budget and Salary/Compensation Transparency Reporting
Section 18 (2) of the Public Act 94 of 1979, The State School Aid Act, has been amended, which requires each school district and intermediate school district to post certain information on its website within 30 days after a board adopts its annual operating budget or any subsequent revision to that budget. The Annual Budget & Transparency Reporting is an opportunity to communicate with our community on how we utilize the resources that are provided for us.
The following information is required to be posted on our website:
- a) Fiscal Year Board Approved Budget: The current year's board approved budget and subsequent amendments should be posted under this heading. Budgets and amendments must be detailed at the function level and include beginning and ending fund balances.
- bi) Personnel Expenditures: This pie chart for the most recently completed fiscal year is found in the Financial Information Database (FID).
bii) Current Operating Expenditures: This pie chart for the most recently completed fiscal year is found in the FID.
- ci) Current Bargaining Agreements: A copy of the current bargaining agreement for each bargaining unit.
cii) Employer Sponsored Health Care Plans: A copy of the plan summary document detailing the current terms of all employee medical, dental, vision, disability, long-term care, or any other type of employee benefits that would constitute health care services offered to a bargaining unit or individual employee.
ciii) Audited Financial Statements: A copy of the audited financial statement reports for the most recently completed fiscal year. Alternatively, you may choose to provide a link to the Department’s Office of Audit website.
civ) Medical Benefit Plan Bids: A copy of the “4 or more” latest bids solicited from different carriers every 3 years when renewing or continuing medical benefit plans, as required in MCL 124.75.
- cv) Procurement Policy: The district’s current policy on the procurement of supplies, materials and equipment.
cvi) Expense Reimbursement Policy: The district’s current policy on reimbursable expenses.
cvii) Accounts Payable Check Register – or – Statement of Reimbursed Expenses: Either the district’s accounts payable check register for the most recently completed fiscal year or a statement of the total amount of expenses reimbursed by the district during the most recently completed fiscal year for board members and employees. One of these reports must be posted.
- d) Employee Compensation Information: A report of the total salary and a description and cost of each fringe benefit included in the compensation package for the school superintendent or Public School Academy equivalent. For schools that do not have a superintendent, this information must be disclosed for the top administrator listed in the Educational Entity Master. In addition to the above, this information must also be disclosed for all other employees whose salary exceeds $100,000. Salary is defined as Medicare wages on the employee’s most current W2. This data must be all inclusive and should be data from the most recently completed calendar year. This item should be updated within 30 days of the W2 issuance, no later than March 1st.
- e) District Paid Association Dues: A report that includes the annual amount paid by the school for association dues on behalf of the school or its staff for the most recently completed fiscal year. The report should include a listing of dues paid to each individual association at both the federal and state levels.
- f) District Paid Lobbying Costs: A report that includes the annual amount the school paid for lobbying or lobbying services as defined in MCL 4.415, for the most recently completed fiscal year.
- g) Approved Deficit Elimination Plan: A copy of the most recent state approved deficit elimination plan. The entire plan (complete workbook) must be provided.
- h) District Credit Card Information: A report that includes the type, credit limit, authorized individual(s), authorized dollar limit(s), and last four digits of all credit cards maintained by the district as district credit cards.
- i) District Paid Out-of-State Travel Information: A report that details the costs incurred for each instance of out-of-state travel by a district administrator for the most recently completed fiscal year. MCL 423.201 defines a public school administrator as “a superintendent, assistant superintendent, chief business official, principal, or assistant principal employed by a school district, intermediate school district, or public school academy.” The report should also, at a minimum, include the identification of each individual on the trip, the destination, and purpose of the trip.
Annual Operating Budget and Subsequent Revisions
2024-25 Initial Budget
(Adopted June 17, 2024)
2024-25 Truth In Taxation & Budget Hearing
(Held June 17, 2024)
2023-24 Final Budget Revision
(Adopted June 17, 2024)
2023-24 Budget Revision
(Adopted December 4, 2023)
2023-24 Budget
(Adopted June 19, 2023)
Truth In Taxation Hearing
(Held June 19, 2023)
Summary of Personnel Expenditures Expressed in Pie Charts
Fiscal Year 2022-23 Personnel Expenditures
Summary of Current Operating Expenditures Expressed in Pie Charts
Fiscal Year 2022-23 District Operating Expenditures
Listing of the Collective Bargaining Agreements and Health Care Plans
Collective Bargaining Agreements & Health Care Benefit Plans
Audited Financial Statements
2023 Audit Report/Financial Statements
Bids Solicited for Medical Benefit Plans
2023 Health, Dental and Vision Insurance Bid Results
Procurement Policy
District Policy for Procurement Supplies
Expense Reimbursement Policy
District Policy for Reimbursement Expenses
Accounts Payable Register
Employee Compensation Information
Link to List of Qualifying Employees
District Paid Association Dues
District Paid Lobbying Costs
There were no expenditures for lobbying activities or
lobbying services for the 2022-23 school year.
Approved District Deficit Elimination Plan
The district has not incurred a deficit.
District Credit Card Information
District Paid Out-of-State Travel
There were no expenditures for out-of-state travel for the 2022-23 school year.
Evaluation Systems
School Advance Michigan Administrator Evaluation System Posting and Assurances
COVID-19 Reporting
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund/American Rescue Plan 2021 Planned Used of Funds (ESSER III) - March 2022
DCS Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan - December 6, 2021
DCS Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan Reconfirmation - revised June 11, 2021
DCS Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan - reviewed April 7, 2021
DCS Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan - reviewed March 2021
COVID-19 Grant Program from GSRP Head Start Adult Ed Young Adult SE Teachers
DCS Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan Training on Delivery, Access and Use of Virtual Content - January 15, 2021
DCS COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan - revised November 10, 2021
District Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan (Adopted September 14, 2020)
COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan - July 2020
Benchmark Reporting
PA 144, Section 104h Goal Reporting - June 5, 2023
PA 144, Section 104h Goal Reporting - February 6, 2023)
PA 48, Section 98b Goal Reporting - June 2022
PA 48, Section 98b Goal Reporting - February 7, 2022
2020-21 DCS Extended COVID-19 End of Year Learning Goal Reporting*
Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan Goal Reporting (February 1, 2021)*
*These two plans are posted in the COVID-19 Reporting Section above.
Communication and Extended Learning Plans
All updated plans are posted on the District website.
February 6, 2023, Board of Education meeting, review of ESSER III Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan - Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan
July 18, 2022, Board of Education meeting, six-month (minimum) review of ESSER III Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan - Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan
February 7, 2022, Board of Education meeting, meaningful consultation results, planned use of funds, extended Continuation of Learning Plan. Meaningful consultation for ESSER III funding through stakeholder survey to stakeholders, focus groups of staff, Board of Education presentation with public comment allowed
June 14, 2021, Board of Education meeting approval of Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan (every 30 days) - POSTED
May 3, 2021, Board of Education meeting approval of Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan (every 30 days)
April 12, 2021, Board of Education meeting approval of Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan (every 30 days) - POSTED
March 1, 2021, Board of Education meeting approval of Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan (every 30 days) - POSTED
February 1, 2021, Board of Education meeting approval of Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan (every 30 days)
January 11, 2021, Board of Education meeting approval of Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan (every 30 days)
December 7, 2020, Board of Education meeting approval of Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan (every 30 days)
November 2, 2020, Board of Education meeting approval of Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan (every 30 days)
October 12, 2020, Board of Education meeting approval of Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan (every 30 days)
September 14, 2020, Board of Education meeting approval of Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan (every 30 days)
August 2, 2020, Board of Education meeting approval of Return to School Plan, plan submitted and approved by GISD - POSTED
Revision History
February 2024 - Additional federal documentation was added to meet federal compliance information that was previously included in the Preparedness and Response Plan, which was embedded in the Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan.
February 2024 - Plan reviewed
August 2023- Plan reviewed
February 2023 - Plan reviewed
June 2022- Plan revised
December 2021 - Plan reviewed
June 2021 - Plan reviewed
April 7, 2021 - Plan reviewed
September 2020- Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan
July 2020 - Original Preparedness and Response Plan, (Plan was embedded in extended COVID-19 Learning Plan.)
Title IX Information
DCS Board Policy 5517 Anti-Harassment
DCS Board Policy 2266 Nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities
Title IX Formal Complaint Form
Comprehensive Title IX Training June 2023
Title IX Sexual Harassment Coordinator Training June 2021
Title IX Sexual Harassment Comprehensive Training March 2021
Title IX Sexual Harassment Comprehensive Training October 2020
Christine Kuzinski
Title IX Coordinator - Staff
Davison Community Schools
1490 N. Oak Rd.
Davison, MI, 48423
Amy Chorley
Title IX Coordinator - Students
Davison Community Schools
1490 N. Oak Rd.
Davison, MI, 48423
23g MI Kids Back-on-Track
23g MI Kids Back on Track Plan
Parents, legal guardians and students can contact the following individuals to request additional academic assistance.
Davison High School
Jerry Piger, Principal
(810) 591-3531
Andrea Ferguson, Assistant Principal
(810) 591-3532
Shawn Lewis, Assistant Principal
(810) 591-3536
Davison Alternative Education
TJ Fischhaber, Principal
(810) 591-1020