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Student Services

The Student Services office is located in the district’s administration building, the Cardinal Center, at 1490 N. Oak Road. The Student Services Department is responsible for all student concerns. These include:

  • Special Education programs and services
  • Section 504 plans
  • Child Find
  • McKinney-Vento services for homeless students
  • Students’ medical/health concerns
  • ADA needs
  • Homebound services
  • Online programming
  • All serious discipline concerns

Special Education Programs and Services:

Special education evaluations and services are available at no cost to parents. Parents who suspect their child might have a disability should contact the Student Services office to request a special education evaluation. 

Special Education Services include:

  • Speech and language therapy
  • Social worker service
  • Resource rooms
  • Basic classroom for the Emotionally Impaired
  • Basic classroom for the Cognitively Impaired
  • Early Childhood Special Education classroom

Transfer students who received Special Education services during the previous school year need to contact the Student Services office prior to enrolling at an individual school building. A confidential release of records must be signed in this office. It is very helpful for the parent/guardian to bring a copy of the child’s most recent Individualized Educational Planning Team (IEPT) report.

Special Education personnel do their best to provide the most appropriate program for each child.

Section 504:
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits discrimination against students on the basis of disability. The primary purpose is to ensure that students with disabilities are not denied access to educational facilities, programs and opportunities on the basis of their disability. A student who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity is considered a student with a “disability” under Section 504. Evaluations for 504 eligibility are available at no cost to parents. Parents should contact the Student Services office to request a 504 evaluation.

Transfer students who had a 504 plan during the previous school year need to contact the Student Services office during their enrollment, so that this plan may be obtained.

Child Find
Child Find is a component of the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) that requires states to identify, locate, and evaluate all children with disabilities who are in need of early intervention or special education services. To receive Early Intervention Programming or Special Education, children must meet eligibility guidelines according to the IDEA. If you suspect you have a child who has a disability affecting his or her school performance, please notify your child’s teacher, counselor, principal, or the student services office at 810-591-0912.

McKinney-Vento Services for Homeless Students:
The McKinney-Vento Act is a federal law designed to increase the school enrollment, attendance and success of children and youth who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence. This includes unaccompanied youth who are under 18 and residing with someone who is not a parent, or relative or other court-appointed legal guardian. Parents should contact the Student Services office for assistance, whenever there is a need.

Student Medical/Health Concerns:
Davison Community Schools works with GISD and the Genesee County Health Department when dealing with student health issues. Students with asthma, diabetes, seizures or other serious health problems need to have a health care plan approved by their physician. These forms can be obtained from the school nurse at 810-591-9756. If you have any student health concerns, feel free to contact the Student Services office.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA):
The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) prohibits discrimination and ensures equal opportunity for persons with disabilities. Students or parents who need accommodations should contact the Student Services office. Sign language interpreters are available for those students or parents who are hard of hearing or deaf.

Homebound Services:
The state school aid act requires school districts to provide homebound and hospitalized services to pupils who are unable to attend school for more than five school days because of a medical condition.  Homebound and hospitalized service is a self-study program designed to help pupils, who are unable to attend school due to a medical condition, to keep up with their studies and to progress as far as possible given their medical condition.  The homebound and hospitalized teacher carries the curriculum from school to the home or treatment facility to enable pupils to continue with their studies.  It is important to note that these services are designed to help the classroom teacher(s) communicate with the pupil while away from school.  If you feel your child should be considered for homebound and hospitalized services, please contact the Student Services office at 591-0913.

Online Programming for Grades K-8:

Davison Community Schools is a member of the Virtual Learning Academy Consortium managed by Oakland Schools. Virtual Learning Academy Consortium (VLAC) offers a choice for parents who want to be more directly involved in their child’s education. Parents may initiate enrollment through the VLAC website at For further information, contact the Student Services office.

Student Disciplinary Matters:

All disciplinary actions imposed by building principals may be appealed at the building level.  Only out-of-school suspensions or recommendations for expulsion may be appealed beyond the building level.  Appeals are for the purpose of refuting the charges or penalty based on presented evidence.

Appeals of suspensions may be filed by the parents or legal custodians of suspended students. Appeals must be registered within two school days of notification of the suspension and must be directed to the administrator directly supervising the school official who imposed the suspension. Appeals at every level will be handled promptly by the district. Students may attend school during the appeal process unless this affects safety in our schools. The administrative structure is as follows:

1) Assistant Principal

2) Principal

3) Executive Director of Student Services (The Executive Director of Student Services or his/her designee is the last level of appeal)

Notice of all further appeals beyond the first level must also be registered within two school days of the receipt of the previous decision.  All required written disciplinary notices may be mailed to the residence of the parents or guardians at the address on file in the school records.  In lieu of mailing the written notice, personal delivery is permissible.

Amy Chorley, Executive Director of Student Services

Dana Melaragni, Director of Special Education

Jamie Dilworth, Secretary-Special Education

Anne McDonald, Secretary

Davison Community Schools
1490 N. Oak Road
Davison, MI 48423
(810) 591-0913


Specific Learning Disabilities Eligibility Statement

Procedural safeguards notice

Food, Allergy, Nut and Peanut Guidelines

Health/medical information

PA 380.1310a Reporting of Crimes