Parent University
Formerly known as Parent University, we’ve taken your feedback to develop a new Parent Education Series designed to put the “pep” into parenting. Called Positively Engaging Partnership (PEP), Davison Community Schools will offer four PEP Talk nights each school year.
PEP is designed to assist parents and provide resources as they navigate the joys and challenges of child rearing. Introduced during the 2015-16 school year as Parent University, sessions were first held in November 2015 and March 2016. Topics included Social Media, Early Literacy, Substance Abuse Prevention, Student Mental Health, SAT and M-STEP state assessments. You will find information and resources from those sessions.
In addition, we have posted resources on additional topics that may be of interest to our parents.If you have an idea or a topic that you would like considered for a future session of Parent University, please send your ideas to or call our Communications Department at (810) 591-0852.October 2017 Positively Engaging PartnershipsCybersafety, Social Media, Sexting and Human Trafficking
(Presented by Trooper Steven Kramer, Michigan State Police)(Presented by Holly Halabicky, Executive Director of Student Services)