Open Enrollment

  • Annual Open Enrollment for Insurance/Cash Option and Flexible Spending/Dependent Care Accounts is ended November 15, 2023.

    Changes are effective January 1, 2024. 

    The next open enrollment period will be November 1 - 15, 2024.

    Open Enrollment forms and information are posted below the plan comparison on this page Instructions were sent to employees through email or school mail on October 24, 2023.  Please refer to your open enrollment email or memo for instructions and for 2024 premium contributions.  The MESSA website online enrollment feature will be active on November 1 for making changes.

    Email Kathy Morris at or call 810-591-3373 (2020) if you have any questions. Please see the FAQs below the plan comparison.  Detailed plan information for each plan is available at

     Plan Comparison:

    Schedule of Benefits (Cost When You Use the Coverage)

    MESSA Choices Plan

    MESSA ABC Plan 1

    Essentials by MESSA


    $500 Individual
    $1,000 Family

    $1,600 Single
    $3,200 2-Person & Family

    $375 Individual
    $750 Family





    Office Visit

    $20 Copay After Deductible

    Covered 100% After Deductible

    $25 Copay After Deductible, and 20% Coinsurance After Deductible

    Online Visit

    $20 Copay

    Covered 100% After Deductible

    $10 Copay After Deductible

    Emergency Room

    $50 Copay and Deductible

    Covered 100% After Deductible

    $200 Copay and Deductible, and 20% Coinsurance After Deductible

    Urgent Care

    $25 Copay and Deductible

    Covered 100% After Deductible

    $50 Copay and Deductible, and 20% Coinsurance After Deductible

    Prescription Drugs

    $2 or $10 Generic
    $20 or $40 Brand

    After Deductible:

    Free, $2 or $10 Generic
    Free, $20 or $40 Brand

    $10 Generic
    20% Coinsurance Brand ($100 max)

    Health Savings Account (H.S.A.)

    Not Eligible for H.S.A.

     H.S.A. Eligible 

    Not Eligible for H.S.A.

    Out of Pocket Maximum
    (The most you could pay in a year for covered services and prescriptions)

    $2,500 Individual
    $5,000 Family

    $2,600 Individual
    $5,200 Family

    $9,450 Individual
    $18,900 Family

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    Question: If I am not changing anything, do I have to do anything?


    If you opt out of our medical insurance, you DO have to turn in the election form.  And, if you get Cash in lieu of insurance, you must also send proof that you have group medical insurance (a copy of your insurance card) along with your election form.  

    If you want a flexible spending account (FSA) or dependent care account in 2024 you have to fill out the FSA form. 

    You are encouraged to log into your MESSA member account and check your beneficiary information and your address, etc.  There are many supplemental insurance options available, including indemnity and accident coverage.  If you have ABC, Choices or Essentials and are not changing anything, and you do not want a flexible spending account or dependent care account, you are not required to do anything.

    Question: Where are the monthly rates and instructions?

    Answer: On your Open Enrollment Email or Memo (emailed and/or mailed to eligible employees via school mail on October 24, 2023).

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