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ParentVUE/StudentVUE Information and Tip Sheets

Parents of students should have received a letter with instructions on how to activate ParentVue. If you are a parent and did not receive a letter, please notify the main office at your child's school.

Each parent has their own log-in and password to ParentVue and can only view their personal demographic (contact) information under the My Account tab. Because of this, parents should only modify their own information. There is no need to add the other parent under "My Account" since they are already listed under their own separate ParentVue account.

To remove an individual listed under Student Information (emergency contact information), parents will need to call their child's school building.

A special note for high school parents regarding attendance: When looking at your child's attendance record on ParentVue, please note that attendance is not processed until the afternoon of the next school day. So, if your child misses school on a Monday, and you called the Attendance Office to have your student excused, it will not be reflected as excused in ParentVue until at least Tuesday afternoon.

NOTE: You will NOT be able to view grades in the mobile app version for ParentVUE and StudentVUE. Please use your district-issued Chromebook, or personal lap top or personal computer to view grades. This issue has been reported to the software developer, however; we do not have a time estimate on when, or if, it will get fixed. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

ParentVue and StudentVUE Tip Sheet